I strongly condemn the statement by Ahmad Tarmizi Sulaiman, the Information Chief for Kedah PAS Youth yesterday whereby Tarmizi urged MAS to look at the serving of alcohol and dress code of the airlines as it goes against Islamic principles and earned the wrath of God linking directly to MH17 tragedy.
All religion stresses on GOD’s compassion and mercy thus it is unfortunate people like him is giving the wrong impression of Islam. I wonder how a statement like these comes from a PAS youth leader when in the first place, there is no such thing as karma in Islam
We Malaysian must remain united over the MH17 tragedy and continue giving our full support to our YAB Prime Minister, Najib Razak and the government to demand swift justice against the people who were responsible for the inhumane act of killing almost 300 hundred innocent people, including children.
Ahmad Tarmizi Sulaiman should be strongly criticised for his unthoughtful statement during a time of tragedy and I call upon him to retract and apologise publicly to the people of Malaysia for his idiotic and inconsiderate statement during this difficult time.
Stand Up, Speak Out and Unite as Malaysians.
Saya Bangsa Malaysia!
Manivannan Rethinam, A.M.P.
Majlis Gagasan Malaysia